
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2018

A subject that I enjoyed at school

Today, I will talk about a subject that I enjoyed the last year at school. I used to like many subjects at school because the classes was very dynamics and funny ,except Spanish. I suppose that this is for the near relations with the teachers, because we were a little school. In art, we painted a big mural in my school and a human heart in biology, but my favourite always was German, I had this language because I studied in a German school, and the classes was different, than the others. My teacher was very nice, a big character, she always said their typical fuuny phrases and their tongue twistters in german, that nobody understood, she taught me almost everything that I know of German, always taught us in the funniest way as possibly and if we didn´t understood, she explain us, as many times as is necessary I lerned grammar and vocabulary, I speak a little bit of German, I know that have this knowledge isn't relevant, but i know that, if i will want go in a exchange to Germa

My friend

Today, I'll write about two friends, first I want talk us about my first best friend in my childhood, she call Sophia, we met in my first school in Punta Arenas, when I was 8 years old, in the beginning she didn't like me, but with the time, we started to play in the park, because she lived near me, We really had a good time playing. After, I changed of school and we still be friends, we grow up together. Nowaday, we still in contact, but not like in the past. And my other friend, she call Valentina and we are very close, I met Valentina in the second school, when I was 12 years old and we became my best friend instantly, we keep contact until now, we have lots of thing in common, we like go out in a party with my classmates, watch netflix, and eat, I think that we get along well, because always we accompany each other, even she help me to be vegetarian, because she is since 3 years. She lives now in Punta Arenas and we lost a little of contact or near, but I know that I alw

Fiestas Patrias

Normally, Fiestas Patrias is a holiday in September, that all the Chileans wait in the year, for the traditional food and drinks, the fondas, the atmosphere that the people create, and I always remember that sempember in punta arenas is sunny but very very windy! and you can relax in this free days. Personally, I consider that it is more a familiar holiday, than friendly. I remember in 2017, actually all the years, how much we cook in this date with my family, I always helped my mom, to make anticuchos, empanadas, or the typical patagonic lamb roast and I used to like a lot, now, I don’t know if i will like this activity the next years, because i’m vegetarian since a little time and i think that can be difficult for the vegetarian people. After help my family, I normally go to fondas and dance with my friends and drink terremotos and i really feel the people happier than other time of the year, there are many people that enjoy dance the typical dances of their region, I really love see

My autobiography

Hi everyone, today I want to write a little bit of me, becasuse I want that you know me better :), I was born in 1999 in the south of Chile. Punta Arenas, and I study all my secundary in a German school. When I was 17, I had the big opportunity to go out of Chile, in a study tour, to Germany, with all my generation, and I decided take advantage to stay in Germany in a exchange in Munchen to practice more my German and know better the culture of Europe. It was a good and difference experience. I was confused about what I want study, but I choosed architecture, consequently I had to come to Santiago and now I live here. Now I'm in my first year in architecture, and until now, i really like this career. About my hobbies, i'm very keen on Yoga, but the last semester I didn't have enought time. Finally about my family I have the funniest pets: two cats, and a dog, he calls Jake, and also my mom, my dad, and my sister, they live in Punta Arenas.