A subject that I enjoyed at school

Today, I will talk about a subject that I enjoyed the last year at school. I used to like many subjects at school because the classes was very dynamics and funny ,except Spanish. I suppose that this is for the near relations with the teachers, because we were a little school.
In art, we painted a big mural in my school and a human heart in biology, but my favourite always was German, I had this language because I studied in a German school, and the classes was different, than the others.
My teacher was very nice, a big character, she always said their typical fuuny phrases and their tongue twistters in german, that nobody understood, she taught me almost everything that I know of German, always taught us in the funniest way as possibly and if we didn´t understood, she explain us, as many times as is necessary
I lerned grammar and vocabulary, I speak a little bit of German, I know that have this knowledge isn't relevant, but i know that, if i will want go in a exchange to Germany I can explain myself, even if my german is not so fluent. There are many things that I don't know yet, but I would like learn more and speak better in the future.


  1. I think that is so cool that you had painted a mural :D

  2. My roomie is from Germany and i am planning to learn her lenguage too :)

  3. I admire people who have patience and innate imagination to draw and paint


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