Free topic: Artistic movement

In this free topic I want to talk about something a little bit more fun for me, about an artistic movement, I choose this topic, because in Workshop, the teachers ALWAYS want that their students use references of architects offices, books, art, videos, etc, in this case I want to write about the famous Pop Art.

The pop art is a movement that emerged in USA and United Kingdom in the century XX, it was inspired in cubism, the dadaism and the surrealism, all of this for the banality of the things, and the alternative forms of represent somthing.

The pop art shows normal situations or thing of the time, adversiting and comics, this wanted be different than the elitist work of  Bellas Artes, only want show the simplicity of the things, and the abstraction of something, for make messege, through of most emblematic things of a nation, that in this case show the capitalism, the industry of the new thing of the technologies, in consequence the consumerism, the mass culture, how the life changed after the world war two, the mass communicated methods, is for this reason that it is called the pop art, the art of the country, of the people.

For me is very important that this movement is the most nearest of the people, because this work represent the mood of the time, also nowasday if we take the time of look this  beautiful works and found how it was the life in this time, the roles of the woman, whom was the housewife married with the typical men thats go to work and wait the dinner at home. This is the reason, whom i want to inspire me in the art pop, represent srchitecture like a abstraction of something

Resultado de imagen para pop art andy warhol obras


  1. When I was at the school I had to do a work of pop art and I think that is so interesting the background of this kind of art.

  2. i like it but i think pop art became to be the thing that it was againts u,u


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