Being green

About the enviroment, first I want mention that the pollution is a topic which the people is not aware about it althought we are all in a involved in this problem, that in future can be bigger. 
I'm not a person that is completely focus in take care of the enviroment, neither a person that is not thinking about the impact of our pollution, but I have conscience. One of my actions  friendly with the enviroment is that I don't use plastic bags, since years, I always have a reusable bag when I go to supermarket, now all the shops joined to this campaing, and i found very good that the government of Chile want move forward to make awareness in all the chilean people.
Other point that I think that I'm very careful is in the use of the lights, use less the public transport and walk to the university. I really try to recycle all the lesftovers of cardboard, papers and materials that I didn't use my projets, but even so i feel that i use materials in excess.
Normally the people recycle plastics and glass bottles, cardboard, and paper, but the rest always go to the normal trash, but the organic's leftovers not, we can make compost with this but only a small porcent make it.
In my case I really try to ve more friendly with the enviroment, but my carbon footprint is very high, I travel in airplane so many times in the years, and a lot of km. to Punta Arenas, because I'am not from here, but also think that this is unavoidable, travel in airplane is the most masive pollution of carbon to the air, it is supposed that one hour of travel increasse our carbon footprint in 435 kg of carbon and other greenhouse gases.
It is not a less important problem.


  1. is so good the recucle of the lesftovers of the materials, architecture generated much trash

  2. I didint know how traveling by airplane can be so agressive to the enviroment! I'm going to read more about it, I want to reduce as much as I can my carbon footprint

  3. I am agree with you, I thing that we can do a lot of thing only changing our daily behavior , making compost can be an option. But you can´t have to go to Punta Arenas, it is your family and they are very important, the problem is the concentration of the universities in Santiago that make the people come here and saturate the system. Greetings

  4. When I was at the school we all the years do a container of compost with the residues of our lunches.


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