A job

First of all, when I started to think about this topic, I found very difficult, I'm not of the people that want to have all planned, I prefer that the things only happend, and a job for me is a distant moment. I imagine me in the future, being a architect, probably in a office and making my own projets, also can be work in other part of the world, and also comes to my mind being an artist or something alike, I don't know.

In this time, I believe that other contries are more developed than other, and this is the reason because I imagine me travel. I would want to learn about other realities and cultures, and their relation with the architecture, so that my archetype will be different that the others, I don't want to take my knowledge only for the university, I would like go in a exchange or something, and learn from differents parts.

For this, I need skills, I need to learn be a good architect, making my projets and have a posture with clear ideas, also  learn languages, until now I know English (not perfect), and a little bit of German, I will like to learn Italian. I think that English is enought haha, in all the parts of the world know English, also be more patient.

I know if I keep studying and I would go in a exchange can be helpful for me, and with the time the reward can be. make better projets, and apply the things that I learn in the travels, to improve Chile, I think that all the people should change something or contribute something. 


  1. yeah, travel to other countries and learn for his culture can open infinity of posibilities with your work and make incredible things


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