My autobiography

Hi everyone, today I want to write a little bit of me, becasuse I want that you know me better :), I was born in 1999 in the south of Chile. Punta Arenas, and I study all my secundary in a German school.
When I was 17, I had the big opportunity to go out of Chile, in a study tour, to Germany, with all my generation, and I decided take advantage to stay in Germany in a exchange in Munchen to practice more my German and know better the culture of Europe. It was a good and difference experience.
I was confused about what I want study, but I choosed architecture, consequently I had to come to Santiago and now I live here.
Now I'm in my first year in architecture, and until now, i really like this career. About my hobbies, i'm very keen on Yoga, but the last semester I didn't have enought time.
Finally about my family I have the funniest pets: two cats, and a dog, he calls Jake, and also my mom, my dad, and my sister, they live in Punta Arenas.


  1. I think that a lot of people that study architecture in your moment that want study

  2. amazing go to germany, I like learning other lenguages and cultures also traveling for the world and some day you should to ivite me to punta arenas


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